["Solved" - ish ] OC200 v1 - Simply won't upgrade to 1.26.3
Pretty much what's in the subject.
Log into controller "System Settings" page, Hardware Controller section. Select "Browse", select the unzipped firmware image (OC200v1_un_1.26.3_20230906_rel36269_up.bin) -> "Upgrade" -> Confirm "Upgrade". It spins for awhile (several minutes), then nothing- just back to the upgrade modal dialog. Unit doesn't upgrade, doesn't reboot.
There are no events in the controller log.
I have rebooted the device, and tried two different browsers (MS Edge and Firefox).
P.S. - Please start including hashes of the firmware files!
OC200v1_un_1.26.3_20230906_rel36269_up.bin SHA-1 1CB95C7062D40A7F17EC6095FF85696BBD1E3B48
Opening browser dev tools there's a lot of "errors" and such,
after the POST to https://{LocalIP}/{SomeGUIDLikeId}/api/v2/files/manualUpgrade after 10 minutes final response in NS_BINDING_ABORTED, but while waiting for that you get
the occasional POST to https://{LocalIP}/{SomeGUIDLikeId}/api/v2/alerts/num?_=1697215341860
I've tried using the android mobile app, clicking on "Firmware Upgrade" only gives "Omada Server Error".