Wiregaurd and internal DNS
I am currently trying to set up so that I can use my ER605 as my Wireguard VPN client. I have been able to set it all up that I can connect to the router and surf the internet. The problem is that when I do connect into my VPN it appears to not be using my internal DNS server, which is running piHole.
In the past I have been able to have things running my connecting into an internal device that is running Wireguard via Docker and that seems to work as expected. I really would prefer to remove this to my router.
Since most of the Docker tutorials etc are pretty basic I totally understand that I lack some of the advanced networking knowledge, I have just started to dive in to advanced business networking gear.
I have attached some of the configurations below for my set up and I hope that some one can guide me with what I am doing wrong.
Peer Set up
Laptop Config
Thank you for taking the time!