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Forums/ Routers
2022-11-27 22:57:43
Re:TP-Link routers with OpenVPN connecting to NordVPN
Well, since the new firmware update - I am able to input my credentials into the OpenVPN client and guess what ? It still doesn't work . I am trying to connect to my NordVPN server . Other generic...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-27 22:55:55
Re:Any public VPN-provider (ie NordVPN) compatible with Omada?
Well, since the new firmware update - I am able to input my credentials into the OpenVPN client and guess what ? It still doesn't work . I am trying to connect to my NordVPN server . Other generic...
Forums/ Routers
2022-08-26 08:36:11
Re:TP-Link routers with OpenVPN connecting to NordVPN
@doryo From everything I have tried on my ER605 and what I have read in every source I can find - it will not work . OpenVPN certainly will not work and NordVPN does not allow L2TP connections . So,...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-18 01:52:38
Re:Omada ER605 VPN Cannot Get Any VPN Connection To Work
@Virgo You are correct . All of the attempted connections that I made were OpenVPN servers that did not require usernames or passwords . I guess most of them were too busy or not working at all .
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-15 20:51:18
Re:Any public VPN-provider (ie NordVPN) compatible with Omada?
@btx much appreciated
Forums/ Controllers
2022-08-15 04:23:23
Re:Omada ER605 VPN Cannot Get Any VPN Connection To Work
@kablammy OK . I finally got a VPN to work . I reset the ER605 again and after I got it adopted, I tried the same old server configs / settings that I have already tried with no success . Then I...