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Forums/ Controllers
2023-06-21 02:27:58
redundancy options for OMADA
I have many locations accessing my OMADA server. I have 2 datacenters. Does OMADA software support built in fail over? Example, have 2 OMADA servers at 2 locations that are synced. If one server goes...
Forums/ Routers
2023-06-21 02:16:11
USB Storage access on OMADA controlled ER8411
How does one access USB storage on ER8411 being controlled via OMADA. EXAMPLE : USB 10TB Drive connected to 1st USB port on Router. Need all PC's on a subnet to access said storage. Is there any...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-13 01:34:11
VPN using only USB 4G modem
Router 605 with USB for 4G modems. It ONLY has the USB modem, no other WAN. Only the USB Modem port is active, other WAN ports unchecked. When trying to add any VPN, ( IPSec, PPP, L2TP,...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-12 21:09:40
Re:multiple sites one software controller
@DaKings Fixed it. The server hosting Omada controller has 4 network ports. The NIC the controller is linked to had the highest metric. So the "out bound " data was going out a NIC with a lower...
Forums/ Controllers
2022-11-12 07:07:16
multiple sites one software controller
I have 3 sites. Each with its own software controller. Goal: have ONE soft controller. Have all remote sites connect and use that one controller. I have followed to a T these instructions:...