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Forums/ Routers
By DaKings 2024-04-17 00:47:10

ER8411 units drop off controller

Solid facts: I'm hosting my controller. I have many sites, with mostly 6XX and 7XX routers, but I have 2 8411 units too. Issue: 8411 shows disconnected in the OMADA system. The 8411 units are function
Forums/ General Discussion
By sprocket13 2023-11-07 19:56:29

Why does TP-Link snub 10" racks?

Hi all, Does anyone have any idea why TP-Link snubs 10" rack mounts? Many small business setups don't have the requirement/space for large 19" racks, but use more discrete/smaller footprint 10" racks.
Forums/ General Discussion
By DaKings 2023-11-06 22:34:25

OMADA Cameras / NVR ?

I've invested tens of thousands on OMADA. All my homes, business and family homes are on OMADA, all connected with VPNs. I'm ready to upgrade all the security camera systems. At my main homes I have 2
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By DaKings 2023-09-03 01:54:55

Configuration Guide: QoS ?

is it real or just a dream? If it is a dream, whom can create an OMADA Configuration Guide for QoS?
Forums/ Controllers
By Gerbenf1 2023-09-02 19:18:21

Parent control

Please can u add parentcontrol to the tpli k devices? So i can block internet acces on my kids devices on sheduled times?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By DaKings 2023-08-29 00:48:47

IPS and other intrusion systems all linked and shared with other OMADA devices

Hear me out here. Lets say my OMADA detects a flood attack from a specific IP. Then auto blocks said IP. Now what if that IP is sent to a central list on the " cloud ". Now other OMADA users routers c