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Forums/ Surveillance
a week ago
Re:NVR Streaming Capacity
@Clive_A Yes, I mean that when you are in the Web UI and you have 16 views, as you start adding them you hit a "bandwidth limit". When using the Vigi Mobile App, I can see all 16 channels at once. On...
Forums/ Surveillance
a week ago
Re:NVR Streaming Capacity
@Clive_A Thanks again. In my setup there is no Monitor/Screen attached to the NVR, therefore HDMI is out of the question. What are potential bottlenecks when just "streaming" as in: Web UI or Vigi...
Forums/ Surveillance
a week ago
Re:NVR Streaming Capacity
@Clive_A Thanks for your response. So NVR is "decoding" an RTSP stream from a cam, and re encoding it before pushing it to, say ONVIF? I was under the impression that NVR only decodes to display on...
Forums/ Surveillance
a week ago
NVR Streaming Capacity
I've been going through links here in the forum where it is generally mentioned that the decoding capacity of an NVR is solely related to its ability to push video out through its video interfaces...
Forums/ Surveillance
2023-10-07 17:30:05
Re:Cannot route NVR through VPN
@Josip_Zagreb If you do a packet capture you will notice that even when you access your NVR through VPN using Vigi mobile app, traffic is still routed through the internet if the NVR is bound to your...
Forums/ Surveillance
2023-10-07 17:24:37
Re:Cannot route NVR through VPN
I finally found a fix, but let me explain first what I was trying to achieve in case someone else is looking for the same solution. My goal was to use the Vigi mobile app through VPN ***only***,...