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Forums/ Controllers
2023-08-18 07:40:45
Re:HELP- Voucher Group Rate Limit - Not Working (Omada Cloud + EAP650
In addition to the above, i made further tests. this time for Voucher Side "TRAFFIC LIMIT". I tested a set limit of 100 mb for 1 voucher with validity of 8 minutes After stress testing by watching,...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-08-17 15:28:22
Re:Voucher clients have to re-enter voucher multiple times daily
@camp_ben Hi, it is a long shot, but you may want to check your DHCP Lease time, see if the lease time is too short. Another possibility is when you enabled Limited Online Users to more than 1....
Forums/ Controllers
2023-08-17 15:04:23
SOLVED - Voucher Rate Limit and Traffic Limit Not Working
Hi All, this is my first post. I am new to Omada although not new to networking. My issue is with the Rate Limit option in the Voucher Group Limit that is not being "respected". I am using the...