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Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-25 15:01:53
Re:Voucher Not Expiring
Please show the screenshot of your VOUCHER CREATION PAGE, show us your settings.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-03 16:25:04
Re:Solution for Public WIFI in Multiple Location with centralised management
@KimcheeGUN Hi, thank you so much, i admit, at this stage i have not thought about the point that you just raised. what i have in mind is the specs of OC300 as provided in the website • Up to 500...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-03 16:03:03
Re:Solution for Public WIFI in Multiple Location with centralised management
@MR.S Thank you for the input, your suggestion makes sense. I made some visual representation on what you have said. Using this segregation method i have full control of all the hardware in my...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-03 14:39:59
Solution for Public WIFI in Multiple Location with centralised management
Hello everyone, i would like to ask for everyone's assistance on how to go about with my plan. 1. My case has something to do about having PAID PUBLIC WIFI in our town's public parks using the...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-03 02:51:53
Re:Oc200 voucher not expiring
@WifiStand send a screenshot of the voucher creation page and let us see the settings.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-09-22 09:23:46
Re:Almost touch less set up with OC200,
@Swiftlink it should work, all you need to do is to make sure that the OC200 are already under your TP LINK CLOUD Account. After that, you can shift to the site, ask them to attach the OC200 to the...