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Forums/ Routers
2024-02-22 22:29:00
Site to Site VPN issue
I am having a issues with a site to site vpn I set up from home to work. The issue is at home I can't access anything on the work network. But when Im at work I can access the home network and RDP is...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-21 00:15:34
Re:VPN On Vlan help
@Dahliana I am not sure what you asking me to try. It is clear. Can you give me a little more detail of what you would like me to try.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-19 02:40:21
Re:VPN On Vlan help
@pwnjuice After some research and talking to TP-Link for 5 hours which turned me into an alcoholic. This cant be done. Unless there is a Wizard that knows how to do this. The issue I see is you can...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-18 15:21:07
Re:VPN On Vlan help
@Dahliana Here is what I have so far. I think i am going at this the wrong way but here are some pictures SO recap I am trying to connect to a Nord VPN server and use that connection as a wan for...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-18 01:02:05
VPN On Vlan help
Im trying to setup and Guest wlan on a vlan always connect to VPN and I not sure what I am doing wrong. So I set up the wlan as guest and put it on vlan 80. Then I made a Lan of for the VPN for vlan...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-18 00:50:05
Re:Unable to access Vlan network with Switch ACL
Thanks I sat down today and got it working. Tedd is awesome!