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Forums/ Deco
2024-06-11 10:32:07
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@SayeemAhmed are the satellite DECOs connected via ETH backhaul or only via wireless? At Cross-Floor setup I highly recommend usage of ETH backhaul (for example my DECO in basement can't see any...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-15 16:25:01
Re:Deco M4R v2 going mad (red light after internet outage)
Update: after installing beta FW 1.7.0 Build 20240307 Rel. 49485: I can turn off the Smart DHCP tested several disconnect scenarios - it seems like red-madness is gone To be improved: I can't access...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-15 16:16:09
Re:Deco M4/S4_V2 Support Connection Preference
@David-TP installed just now on M4R v2.0. Smart DHCP can be disabled - test successfull - after physical disconnect from ETH the Deco is going red, after reconnect is all fine again - red-madness is...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-14 08:48:31
Re:Deco M4R v2 going mad (red light after internet outage)
@David-TP yesterday I had make one small change to my network - I've connected the main-DECO to a switch instead directly to the router. then I've updated the FW on my router causing,...
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-06 21:01:59
Re:Deco M4R v2 going mad (red light after internet outage)
Got app version 3.7.14 - still no change - cannot disable the DHCP, which is still active
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-19 18:04:44
Re:Deco M4R v2 going mad (red light after internet outage)
@Alexandre. In my Android App (version 3.7.5) I can see only following: FW is 1.6.1 Build 20231227 Rel.80438