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Forums/ Routers
2024-06-02 13:29:37
problems with custom dyndns after upgrade
@kogan I have no custom ddns to test, my bee tp-link can help you with that. I did a test here as I was a bit scared by what you wrote this function is important to me. but with no-ip it still works.
Forums/ Routers
2024-06-02 12:58:02
problems with custom dyndns after upgrade
@kogan I did a test here, same router same firmware. connected it behind another router, router gives correct wan ip. Controller Version: I use no-ip as ddns provider-
Forums/ Controllers
2024-06-02 09:39:25
Re:Guide to Installing Omada Software Controller on Raspberry Pi OS - V5
@MJan the problem with rpi3 is not cpu but memory, do yourself a favor and buy an rpi4 or rpi5 with 4gb memory. if you manage to get the rpi3 to work, it's only a matter of time before it crashes. if...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-31 13:03:27
Re:Omada switchs SG3428XMP
@Hank21 Ok, thank you. i made a third attempt to upgrade today and now it looks like it worked. I don't know why, the only thing I've done is delete all old sites that are no longer in use, I've also...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-30 06:35:03
Re:Omada switchs SG3428XMP
@Matthieu27 yes lots of problems, 7 hours work yesterday. after I upgraded from to all ipsec VPN tunnels were offline, routers at the remote site were offline, I did a factory...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-05-28 10:02:02
Re:Omada Software Controller - Controller Setting Grayed out - How to backup for upgrade
@htfb you don't need to uninstall, you can just upgrade. but to take a backup you must log on to the controller locally.