Following: 6Followers: 18
Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-16 15:21:06
Re:EAP 670 EoL? Why?
@Gamienator where did you find this information?
Forums/ Routers
2024-04-15 10:55:55
Re:ER605(UN)_V2.6_2.2.4 Build 20240119
@vvebster normally the release note is as a separate icon on the controller before update, there is also a release note on the product's support page....
Forums/ Controllers
2024-04-15 04:32:03
Re:Omada SDN Controller_V5.14.20 Pre-release (Released on Apr 12th, 2024)
@Hank21 Internet is available, everything looks and works as it should except ISP Load statistics. ER8411 gets Public IP from DHCP without problem, ER707-M2 has fixed public WAN ip ER8411 v1.0...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-14 13:32:41
Re:EAP653 in Standalone Mesh
@Bensch I used a rasberry pi 3 a long time ago for Omada, it worked but it only has 1gb of ram so I had to create a 1gw swapp file, it then became very slow as a lot was on swapp, I would recommend a...
Forums/ Routers
2024-04-14 06:08:12
Re:ER605(UN)_V1_1.3.1 Build 20231207 Release notes
@vvebster this unit is EOL so that's it
Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-13 18:57:54
Re:EAP653 in Standalone Mesh
@Bensch Unifi have no standalone at all except very little functionality va unifi app. On your phone Raspberry is a nice device an run controller fine. Do not use rpi3 use 4 or 5. I think 5 is the...