2021-08-29 16:00:24
Client/Device Stacking In GUI
Hi, Is there a way to stop devices/clients from stacking up on the right side of the GUI? This behavior is very annoying.
2021-08-29 01:46:16
MAC Cloning On WAN
Hi, Can someone point me in the direction of cloning a MAC on the WAN port of the ER-605? I need to clone the MAC address from my UDM-Pro to my ER-605. Makes swapping back and forth during the changeo
Requests & Suggestions
2021-08-28 21:29:35
App Controller Connections
Hi, Why do I have to select "Cloud Access" or "Local Access" when connecting to a controller? Why does the app not show me a list of controllers on startup (if I have more than 1) and once I select a
2021-08-27 05:53:20
Client List Interface
Hi, On the client page, there is an option to show 10, 15, 20, etc. to 50 clients in the list. However, if I select 50 and navigate away from the page it goes back down to 10 when I return back to the
2021-08-26 07:01:46
AP Grouping
Hi, Currently trying to switch over from a UniFi stack. (UDM Pro, 2- 24 port POE gen 2 switches, and 5 APs, 1 Outdoor, 2 AC Pros, 2 U6 -Lites) and a mix of G3 and G4 cameras, 12 total. With my UniFi S
Requests & Suggestions
2021-08-26 03:28:31
GUI Recommendation
Hi, @Fae I would like to propose a GUI fix/recommendation. Currently, when a device is connected it displays "CONNECTED" in an orange color... Universally orange typically signals an issue or problem.