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Forums/ Controllers
By DaKings 2023-07-02 03:43:11

IPS Threat Management

New feature Threat Management. I enable it and select countries, but the logs show nothing going on. I have it on 7 Routers / Sites. There defiantly should be some logs / reports. Is there more to it
Forums/ Controllers
By KimcheeGUN 2023-06-26 20:04:34

New 5.11.8 Controller WITH IPS!!

^^^ this is a step in the right direction!! I am excited!! Good work TPLINK!!
Forums/ Routers
By DaKings 2023-06-25 01:11:58

VPN Site 2 site "Auto IPsec"

I've only ever gotten the "Auto IPsec" to work once. All attempts after that reach an error, related to can't have same IP for tunnels. IPSec uses a background IP range for inter tunnel transmissions.
Forums/ Controllers
By DaKings 2023-06-25 00:14:20

upgrade failed: The upgrade file is invalid. Please select a correct file.

OMADA. shows device update is pending. I select to do up date. get error : upgrade failed: The upgrade file is invalid. Please select a correct file. thats cool and all. But I NEVER selected a file, O
Forums/ Controllers
By DaKings 2023-06-21 02:27:58

redundancy options for OMADA

I have many locations accessing my OMADA server. I have 2 datacenters. Does OMADA software support built in fail over? Example, have 2 OMADA servers at 2 locations that are synced. If one server goes
Forums/ Routers
By DaKings 2023-06-21 02:16:11

USB Storage access on OMADA controlled ER8411

How does one access USB storage on ER8411 being controlled via OMADA. EXAMPLE : USB 10TB Drive connected to 1st USB port on Router. Need all PC's on a subnet to access said storage. Is there any secur