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Forums/ Routers
By ThiagoGuedes 2023-07-29 18:41:58

ER8411 - Slow Speed in SFP+ Port w/ TPLink Transceivers

Hello folks, So I'm having really slow download speeds with the ER8411 when using TP Link SFP+ TL-SM5310-T. For reference, the same happened with a Wiitek module as well. Here some details: ER8411 FW
Forums/ Routers
By Daniel2908 2023-08-02 11:14:09

FLow Control in "Omada Mode" ER707 possible with CLI code or anything else?

Hi, is there a possibility for ER707 to enable flow control even when attached to Omada Controller OC200 ? As i already wrote flow control is only available in Standalone mode and if you cannt enable
Forums/ Routers
By Jan88 2023-07-26 10:01:20

Not able to start OpenVPN Client tunnel

I bought this router to start an OpenVPN connection with another (existing) OpenVPN Server. When I add the client with the information and ovpn file, the client is added and enabled. But when I go to
Forums/ Routers
By Destor 2023-07-27 11:57:38

Managing Different "stick" VLans on built in with of the ER605 v2 router

So in the past week i've been struggling with a few settings whilst tryng to run multi vlans from the built in swithc of my er605 v2 omada router/gateway. I'll explain how i would like to costruct my
Forums/ Switches
By Endresz 2023-07-20 09:15:02

VLAN Query

I am working for a company running an Omada SDN controller on an Ubuntu VM. We use tp-link APs exclusively and are looking to move across to Jetstream switches in the near future to have everything ma