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Forums/ WiFi
By Liftboy 2024-03-20 09:18:07

speed problem WLan

Hello! The data throughput in the WLAN is somehow limited in my network. For example, when I do a WiFi speed test with different devices in the immediate vicinity of the wired AP, I usually only get b
Forums/ Routers
By Liftboy 2023-12-20 17:34:48

instead an 707 a 8411 - what to do

Hello, I am currently using an ER707-M2 to get DSL and fibre optics via WAN into the network. Behind it is a NAS (2.5GB) and a switch with various APs (650). The switch is from Netgear and has one 2.5
Forums/ Routers
By Liftboy 2023-12-14 16:44:48

Phone behind router

Hello! I use an ER707M2, an OM200 and various APs. A Fritzbox, which only has DECT active, will be used for telephony. This worked for a short time and then the O2 SIP numbers in Germany could no long
Forums/ WiFi
By Liftboy 2023-12-14 13:42:37

repeater mode for printer

Hello! I need to supply a printer at one point. I have used an EAP 650 for this and operated it in repeater mode. Unfortunately, the LAN port cannot be used for the printer. Then I took a 610 wall, as
Forums/ Routers
By Liftboy 2023-12-10 20:39:24

WillhelmTel Glasfaset PPPoE mit ER707-M2

Moin moin! Ich versuche mit dem WWAN router ER707-M2 eine Verbindung zu WillhelmTel "Glasfaser" zu bekommen. PPPoE und dann Benutzer und Kennwort. Es will nicht .... Gibt es noch weitere Parameter zu