AX 1500 Wi-Fi 6 router - Trouble setting up IPv6
Hi everyone,
I recently got an AX 1500 Wi-Fi 6 router and just discovered that IPv6 is not setup automatically on it. To cut an extremely long, and very frustrating, story short, I cannot figure out for the life of me how to get it to work. I've tried using PPPoE, Dynamic IP, and Static IP. Dynamic IP and PPPoE don't work, and I can't finish setting up Static IP because I have no idea what my default gateway is because everything I enter results in an "invalid format" (which is such a useless response).
I have my IPv6 address, prefix, and primary and secondary DNS's, but like I already said I've got no idea what my default gateway is since everything I enter results in an "invalid format". The modem I have (Telstra Smart Modem Gen 2) from my ISP (Telstra) has both PPPoE and DHCP.
I don't know what I'm missing here or what I'm doing wrong.