BBox + two TL-WR802N do not behave correctly
I have an internet router type BBox by Bouygues in France. It connects to the internet through fiber optics and provides 3-ethernet ports and a wifi access point. Normally this suffices for a regular home.
However, in my apartement I was compelled to install the BBox at a place far away from the living room and bedrooms, so the wifi could not reach to where the computers were. I decided to add two WR802N in access point mode, each connected to the BBox using the ethernet cables that run in my walls (a nice feature), and each providing a wifi access point to either ends ot the apartment, so that a good connection is achieved in every place.
I set both WR802N with the same SSID and WPA passphrase, but on one I set the wifi channel to 1 and on the other I set the wifi channel to 11, so that no overlap could occur. The computer automatically select the closest access point to connect. The DHCP is disabled in both.
This installation works fine as far as internet access.
When it comes to computer-to-computer communication, the things are not so nice. The file sharing through Windows network is either slow or impossible, for some reason. The Canon printer is not always reachable.
I tried to ping every node of the network, and then I have the following results :
-from the bbox itself, every node responds.
-from the WR802, only those nodes that are connected to it by wifi respond, except the printer
-from my computer, I can ping both WR802's, including the one it is not connected to, and the Bbox, but no other node connected to the same WR802 as my computer responds.
In short, I cannot ping another computer on the LAN. the Ping application responds "unable to access destination host".
I have very little knowledge about the routing mechanismes, the ICMP protocol, etc. I tried to understand the traffic on my wifi adapter using Wireshark, but I could not conclude anything.
Is there something wrong in my configuration?