It seems unusual that a TX50E card has an AX210 module installed, because the TX50E's specs actually match those of an AX200 module. But somehow you must have got a free upgrade then, be it done intentionally or inadvertently by TP-Link.
Anyway, an Intel AX210 module installed onto a PCIe to M.2 adapter card made by TP-Link shouldn't perform different than an Intel AX210 module installed on a PCIe to M.2 adapter card made by another company.
Were the antennas of your previous AX210 Wi-Fi card also mounted directly onto the SMA connectors of the Wi-Fi card (like on the TX50E) or did you use antennas with extension cables, like those that come with the TP-Link Archer TX3000E or TXE75E?
Provided your previous AX210 Wi-Fi card and the new TX50E use the same antennas, but the TX50E performs much worse, then there might indeed be something wrong with it.
Assuming the drivers you installed previously were legit drivers from Intel (and not some hacked ones), then there is no reason to believe that an older driver version would solve your problems.
But if you still want to try the older Intel drivers from TP-Link's website, then uninstall the current ones via the Device Manager. (make sure you tick the box "Delete the driver software for this device", as shown in the picture below)
Depending on how many times you have manually updated the Intel drivers before you may need to do this uninstall procedure several times, until you have finally rolled back to no driver or at least to a driver version that is older than the drivers you intend to install.
(as of today the latest drivers from Intel for the AX200/AX210 are at version 22.250.x)