
Feature Request - Customizable Network Names in TP-Link Deco App


Feature Request - Customizable Network Names in TP-Link Deco App

Feature Request - Customizable Network Names in TP-Link Deco App
Feature Request - Customizable Network Names in TP-Link Deco App
2024-01-19 03:20:46 - last edited 2024-01-22 08:27:52

Dear TP-Link Support Team,


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to provide feedback and a feature request concerning the TP-Link Deco App. As a user managing multiple properties, I've noticed a limitation in the app's functionality that impacts user experience, particularly in scenarios involving multiple mesh networks.


Currently, the app restricts users to having the network name directly tied to the WiFi SSID. This limitation poses a challenge for users like myself who manage multiple Deco mesh networks across different locations. For instance, I have two properties equipped with TP-Link mesh networks, and the inability to assign distinct network names in the app makes it difficult to quickly and efficiently identify and manage these separate networks.


I propose a feature enhancement that allows users to assign custom names to their networks within the app. This modification would not change the WiFi SSID; it's purely for ease of identification within the app interface. Here are a few reasons why this change would be beneficial:


  1. Enhanced Organization: Users with multiple mesh networks can easily distinguish between them, leading to more efficient management and less confusion.

  2. Personalization: It allows users to personalize their network management experience, making it more user-friendly.

  3. Convenience for Property Managers: For individuals managing networks across various properties, this feature would simplify identifying and switching between networks.

  4. Improved User Experience: Overall, this enhancement would contribute to a more user-centric approach, improving satisfaction and ease of use.


I understand that changes to the app's functionality require consideration of various factors, including development resources and the impact on the current user base. However, I believe this feature would significantly enhance the user experience for those managing multiple networks.


Thank you for considering this feedback. I look forward to any developments in this area and am happy to provide further insights or clarifications if needed.


r/TpLink - Feature Request - Customizable Network Names in TP-Link Deco App



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