What should I do if my device keeps disconnecting from the internet when it’s connected to my TP-Link Range Extender?

Released On: 2018-11-27 06:00:32Last update time: 2024-03-25 02:19:21

The range extender may extend Wi-Fi signal but it does not maintain the connection. This FAQ will guide you to do some tests to exclude possibility caused by router other elements beside the range extender.

a device means: computers, laptops, mobile phones, etc.

Note: Refer to UG to get detailed info of the LED status.


Case 1


Step 1

Update the range extender to latest firmware.

Step 2

Contact TP-Link support with model number of your router and provide us with details on the problem. 


Case 2


Step 1

Disable then enable the wireless network connection of the device.

Step 2

To figure out the problem please place the RE near to the router to see whether the problem still exists.

Step 3

Check the IP address, default gateway and DNS of the device, when the range extender loses its connection.

Step 4

Contact TP-Link support with model number of your router and provide us with details on the problem. 


It seems to me that there are lots of people with this problem, a knowledgebase that just says contact support is useless. 

@Bry50100 The reason why it is recommended to contact support is if you reach that recommendation, there is probably a issue related to the extender that a customers troubleshooting would not resolve.

As far as I can see this one is a widespread problem. For a lot of users. Probably the tech support should pay  more attention to it.

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yes, I've started a topic in 8/1/2018,

no answer! 

I posted again, because disconnections never stop!

I guess it's a major bug with tp-link powerlines, which can't be solved in other way that to buy other brand's powerlines?

I'm having this issue, too.


I'm using two RE370Ks, but only one is being used to extend our WiFi.  Both are being used as bridge devices, too, with 8-port switches plugged into the ethernet port on each of them, and some wired devices plugged into the switches.


The "wired" devices never lose internet connection.  On the one extending our WiFi, most of the devices never lose internet connection: a smart bulb, an Echo device, a smart TV, and a blu-ray player.  However, when our phones or Kindle Fires connect to the extended SSIDs, they'll be fine for a time, but will eventually lose their internet connection.  I've yet to look at the IP address or DNS addresses when that happens, but I will, but I suspect at least that the IP address hasn't changed as I'm able to view/ping them from other devices on the network.  The notification bar will show a network connection with an exclamation point.  The settings will show "Internet may not be available" under the WiFi connection.  Might it have something to do with Android devices?

Okay, add my MacBook to the list of devices that will lose internet connection, so it's not limited to Android.  I do find it strange that not everything does, though.


Both my phone and MacBook lost their connect at the same time, near as I could tell.  Both still had a valid IP address from my router's DHCP server.  Both still had the correct DNS addresses.  However, neither could communicate with anything else on the network; I couldn't access my router's web admin page on my MacBook until I changed to a different SSID, and once I did that, I couldn't ping my phone.

I have TPLink 4530. I've just bought 8630p, replaced old in the same places and it keeps disconnecting.

I have a TL-WPA8630P (AU) powerline extender kit.  Is there an equivalent page to https://community.tp-link.com/en/home/kb/detail/217 for that?  This page does not seem to apply: what is the RE/signal light?

My problem is that it does not reconnect when internet drops momentarily.

I tried for email support but it apparently failed-  first time with a messsage like 'submitted failed' and second time https://www.tp-link.com/phppage/email-support.php was a blank page.

You explained in a detailed way. Thanks for the post. Looking for the best private routers? Get more from here.


Step 1 update Firmware! - I stand more chance of getting my virginity back than TP_link updating their firmware for most of the products I have..


Come on TP-Link you have good products, they work well but they are a bit buggy and firmware updates are actually a very effective way of fixing these issues.


I have a Netgear Router (historic reasons) even though it is nearly 4 years old, there are around 2 releases a year and it is rock solid...
