Improve Powerline Backhaul on Deco P9

Released On: 2023-05-17 02:31:07Last update time: 2024-12-05 06:28:43

Deco P9 is known for the HomePlug AV/AV2 Powerline Backhaul. So it is widely used in properties that are separated by thick concrete walls, or the wireless clients are centrally located in a certain area that is far from the ISP modem. It is very important to have a strong Powerline signal in order to create a stable and fast network.

On The Deco APP, you could check the Mesh Backhaul type here:


Powerline Backhaul doesn't need to be turned on by any hardware or software switch, and it takes effect automatically as long as:

  1. Two or more Deco P9s under the same electric service panel.
  2. Deco P9 is set up as the main Deco.


Here are some suggestions to have a strong Powerline signal:

  1. Powerline works under different electric circuits but the speed and stability would be improved if they are plugged under the same electric circuit.
  2. The nearby Home Appliances, like Washing Machines, Micro Oven could cause electric interference and please try to move P9 away from these high-power devices.
  3. A surge protector would filter out high-frequency electromagnetic signals which would also interfere with the Powerline communication. Please do not plug P9 into a surge protector.
  4. Update the beta firmware here: Deco P9_1.2.1_build20240926_Beta (For Deco P9 V1& V2)




I have a question about this phrase: "...or one Deco P9 is connected via Ethernet cable to the main Deco"


Is it OK if there's a simple (unmanaged) switch between the main Deco and the P9?  Because I don't have a spare Ethernet port on my main Deco (one is used to connect my ISP modem and the other one goes to the switch).

Lol I habe installed this Beta since there my Deco never Connected ober PLC again. And so why should I need this? And there won't be any interfere beacause they are Plugged in the same Power Cord and PLC is not Working. 

i habe Schuko Plug in my ground which is directly going to my garage where the othe P9 is. 

Four new P9 v2 units and PLC NEWER works !! I tried to change fw .. nothing helped .. 

TLDR:powerline does not work

...i'm in it for 25 years,flashing firmwares almost the same,i'm no rookie in linux,so believe me when i say it,plc does not work here(don't make me angry or i'll pull sdr radio to check :) )


just installed 3 units (p9 v2.0),tried factory firmware,tried latest on web,tried this beta,nothing works...


setup:on close sockets i setup all 3 together (1 first and then 2 together or one by one-have done this 4 times),then i move them to their place,only wifi mesh works(and effing badly,bad walls)...i have tested plc before buying with some mikrotik av600 pl7xxx mini ap,were reaching ~90mbit in bandwidth tests(in THOSE power outlets p9 does not work),for me that is sign of excellent plc signal

i tried latest beta:

telnet(no password!)

in /etc/config/plc (i think,this is from memory since i'm not at site) i copied text to other 2 p9's,saveconfig,reboot and nothing (so i have same nw key etc) the setup stored here?

in /tmp/??plc??something status (cat /tmp/plc..) there is some info with two 0's(like it does not have plc)


also in /etc/config/plc there is some missing firmware to load(not existing in flash),but i guess just programmers lazyness


next thing would be to look through /etc/init.d/plc* files to see the initialization and if it is working at all,because i don't think plc works at all...nothing in log,just plc down several times on start


maybe factory slipped in wrong chips that don't initialize right?


so what now,does tplink think of p9 as abadonware?i see 2019 firmwares(latest even 2021) yet in czech republic it is newest tech...


I have to say this is a really good prank from TP-LINK.
I just bought 3pack + 2pack of these P9s (V2).

Been playing with them for a few days and was never able to get the PLC functionality running.

The units instantly talk via ethernet when you connect them using RJ45 cable. 

But no matter what I tried the PLC feature would not work.

I tried to put them to close sockets just like @Korenchkin did. 

I tried the latest beta. 

No luck. 

All five units behave just as if there was no PLC functionality at all. 

Precisly this one feature that is the reason for anyone to buy this product...does NOT work.

I even spoke to the czech technical support and their reaction was "just return it and buy PX50".

You know what? I am not going to risk buying another non-functional product and spend my time and money trying to figure out why the hell it does not work as expected.


maybe your deco p9 devices work on different electrical phases and that's why they don't see each other, you must connect P9 directly to the wall and not to a surge protector!

my three deco p9 devices work perfectly with PLC

at the beginning of this thread there is an error in the description, different electrical circuits are not a problem in PLC, the problem is different electrical phases, that is the difference

different electrical circuits and different electrical phases are not the same

Hello I have one main M5 (1.7.8), another M5 connected by ethernet, one P9 connected by ethernet and another P9 without ethernet, I loaded this beta version to P9 but now the units goes offline after 2-3 minutes after reboot, deleted units from app and push the reset button, now units are offline, I tried to download the stable version but does not works the firmware change.


¿How can I load the stable version 20240716?


best regards



 Deco P9_1.2.1_build20240926_Beta


This firmware has root telnet running without password.

It brings Deco app to unusable state - you'll only see the master device in the app after upgrade.

Also you'll not be able to add Deco P9 device with this firmware to the existing network. You'll need to downgrade to stable firmware.


@David-TP we need new P9 firmware.