Is there a router that can automatically switch from WAN to 4G internet if my landline is down?
I'm looking for a WAN/4g router that can connect to another modem for a WAN internet connection through the landline, so if the WAN internet drops out, will it automatically switch to the 4g (if I have a prepaid sim for wireless broadband). And the devices I have connected the the WAN/4G router will stay online.
I’m thinking of setting it up so my original modem is on bridge mode. With a cable from the LAN port on the original modem to the WAN port on the new WAN/4g router. I have been told the Archer MR400 can do this. But other people are saying it can only switch manually.
Can the Archer MR400 be setup to switch automatically to 4g if my landline internet drops out?
Or is there another type of router that can do this function?
Help please : )