SysLog Entries
Could someone help clear up what the following system log entries mean please? I have lots of these entries (hundreds per minute for some types) and apart from being generally interested, I want to make sure something isn't wrong. FYI, I have a set-up of 3 Decos in AP mode.
Entry Type 1 under Notice
wlanifLinkEventsCmnGenerateDisassocEvent: Client 48:47:F8:99:4D:AF disassociated on APId 255 ChanId 8 ESSId 0
Entry Type 2 under Critical
user.emerg syslog: tp215,22[3645]:
Entry Type(s) 3 under Error
daemon.err uhttpd[3080]: error reading input file
daemon.err uhttpd[3080]: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name
daemon.err uhttpd[3080]: iptables v1.4.21: Couldn't load target `domain_login_rule':No such file or directory
daemon.err uhttpd[3080]: ath22 no frequency information
daemon.err client_mgmt: wireless client associate or disassociate
There are a number of other entries in the Error section but won't list them all out unless someone can help
Thanks in advance