How do I log into TP-Link cloud?
In my routers admin interface, I have an option to create a "TP-Link Cloud" account and link my router.
I have now done that.
Where do I log in to this account online?
I went to the homepage expecting to see a link - nothing.
I checked the verify email I got when I signed up and it links to - ok, I had seen that site via a Google search but it only mentions cameras and looks kinda dodgy. But ok, I'll sign in there.
I sign in.
I see a message saying "No camera exists in this account! - Please add a camera by using the tpCamera app."
Nothing about my router.
The admin interface in my router has no information on how I use this.
This is such bad UI. I've linked my router to an account fine - it says Bound - but nothing at all tells me how to use it.