powerline + ethernet backhaul
i'd like to set up a mesh network with a backhaul
- wired where a ethernet cable is availabe
- powerline if there is no ethernet
so i was thinking about a few M4 or M5s
+ P9's for the locations without ethernet
But i am not sure everything will work:
1) the faq on powerline-deco says (Q4) that PLC + ethernet can't work at the same time.
But it is unclear if this mean both can't work at the same time between two deco devices,
or that one wired connection disables the powerline backhaul for all other decos
So, will this work?
M4 <=== ethernet ===> P9 <--- powerline ---> P9
2) the same faq states in Q1 that for powerline backhaul to work, the P9 should be the 'main' deco, not a satellite unit.
I wonder if 'main' is the same as 'router mode'
I would prefer to run the P9's in acces point mode (will save me a unit)
3) if the answer to my first question is "won't work",
would it work to use classis powerline adapters instead? with a short ethernet cable to the deco
e.g using an AV1000 device TL-PA7017P:
M4 <== ethernet ==> M4 <=>TL-PA7017P <--- powerline ---> TL-PA7017P <=> M4
<== ehternet ==> stands for 10m cable through walls,
<=> stands for local mini-cable
i did read deco-powerline and classic powerline don't play together (Q3), not sure why
but I see no reason why a setup with classic powerlien-only + ordinary deco's wouldn't work
a ethernet connection through a classic powerline device should be indistinguishable from a real ethernet connection?
in general, i wonder if there is any difference between a P9 and M4+TL-PA combo
(when matched with similar units)