Potential Speeds when mixing AV1 (AV600) and AV2 (AV1300) Powerplugs
Hi there,
My question relates to the potential connection speed between different powerlines (AV600 and AV1200), and how to set them up. As far as I understand, there are two potential ways to setup different powerline adaptors (AV600 and AV1200), either:
(a) pair and connect all of them under a common powerline network, or
(b) pair and connect the AV1200 ones under a separate powerline network name and pair and separately pair and connect the AV600 ones.
The attached MS Excel file contains in a table these two possible connection types. The last right hand column (in red colour) really asks my question: which of the two setups will give me the indicated potential connection speeds? And of course, that is my question: would I get 1200Mbps connection between the two AV1300 adaptors, and 500Mbps connection between the four AV600 adaptors?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.