M7200 Random Disconnects
Hello Support Team,
Recently I purchased the M7200 due to high number of satisfied customers. Out of the box it came with an old firmware and I wasnt getting the speed so I have updated the firmware and I get excellent speed.
My issue is related with random disocnnects. I noticed a patern as well. If I am doing normal browsing , streaming everything its ok - no complaints at all but If I am downloading/uploading pictures, videos, Google drive I noticed is shutting down randomly. There is no designated time when is happening .
It just stops broadcasting the SSID but when i press the power button once , it looks like is coming back to life. It happens to me several times a day. I dindnt changed anyting from the interface such a bands or anything like that . The only thing which I did was to adjust the range of the signal and wireless timeout period, the rest
I have attached the logs as I know that you willl ask for that in order to identify the cause of this .
Thank you and have a great day.