Google Play Store / YouTube service stopped working with Deco X20
(actually the hardware version is 1.2, the dropdown didn't have that choice)
I've been using Deco x20 for about 3 months, primarily for its mesh WiFi capability as well as its parental control features. Cannot exactly pinpoint when but started probably a week or two back, YouTube and Google Play Store services no longer function.
On our laptops, since we used web browsers for YouTube, seems after initial slow connection (with spinning circle) for a few (up to 10) seconds, video clips eventually played. But on Android cell phones, YouTube app simply didn't work, and the spinning circle stayed on forever. I suspect it's because laptop web browser uses http/https and has some fallback mechanism, while YouTube app on phones doesn't. Even on laptop, youtube playing is very close and interrupted (bufferring) frequently.
Google Play Store:
This is simply not functioning anymore on all our of Android cell phones. While we could still browse apps, but we couldn't install new ones nor could we update existing ones - all downloading is stuck at pending state.
We tested segment by segment eventually narrowed the problem down to the X20, most likely around Parental Control / AntiVirus area.
- We tested our phones on mobile 4G network: both YouTube and Play Store worked perfectly fine with practically 0-lag/delay.
- We tested our phones directly with our ISP modem (which has WiFi, but we simply disabled it in the past), and it worked flawlessly as well.
- We tested connecting X20 to our ISP modem using Access Point mode, everything worked flawlessly. But AP mode doesn't have AntiVirus or Parental Control or QoS feature.
- Now we test our regular setup: connecting x20 to our ISP modem using wireless router mode. Youtube app on android phone doesn't work, Play Store doesn't work. Note it was working for a month or two, only recently started experiencing problem. We suspect it was caused by some heavy use of parental control features.
- Another test we did: same x20 to modem in wireless router mode, but on our phone, if we enable VPN (we used privateinternetvpn), and YouTube / Play Store worked flawlessly. This really suggesting some sort of filtering/blocking is going on the router.
One of th reasons we suspect it is related to parental control is because we utilized it heavily: we created 6 profiles, and some of the profiles had max 16 devices. Totally we had more than 30 devices in various Parental Control groups. Everything seemed working except starting a few days/maybe a week or two back, we started noticing YouTube / Play Store problems.
Yes, we did hard reset on the deco unit and redid setup, and confirmed no parental control groups and no antivirus enabled. Still the problem persisted. I highly suspect some of the (parental control / antivirus / qos) data/configurations didn't get fully cleaned up by reset and still lingering around causing the issue.
Desperately need help! We really need the Parental Control feature, so we can't really use x20 in Access Point mode.