loss internet connection, help
my wifi has been solid the past 2 months. yesterday i lost internet connection. i rebooted the ISP modem and the xe75, still no internet.
The app was updated few days ago, but not sure if that is the culprit. deco firmware is all up to date
i connected my computer to the ISP modem and disconnecting the xe75. internet works.
I called ISP to factory reset the modem. then the internet from the xe75 worked.
the next day same issue came up, internet not working even though i am connected to the xe75.
ISP said it is not their issue but a tp link issue.
Can anyone help? ive tried rebooting, restarting and reinstalling the decos and the same issue still happening.
very weird! not sure if its a firmware issue or if there is a way to make backdate the decos back to factory firmware?