Issue with VoIP Phone
I recently bought an Archer VR2800 router to replace my aging Draytek. I was getting very slow WiFi speeds and tested a temporary router and it was much faster. So, I purchased the Archer and the speeds are great.
Over the past week or so I’m getting IP calls on my VoIP handset at all hours of the day and night.
It's a Yealink W52P and I have two lines configured, one from Internode (Australia) and one from Callcentric (USA). If a call comes in on one of those lines it will say the call is coming in from either Internode or Callcentric. These are labels configured in the base station.
But these annoyance calls are saying it’s to “Dect Phone” and that it’s an IP Call. There is no configuration in the unit for "Dect Phone". If I answer it there’s no one there but as I’m saying hello another call is coming in from the same number. This happens about 4 or 5 times in a row. So I just silence the calls.
I turned on the do not disturb setting on the Internode and Callcentric lines so if I get a call on those numbers the phone doesn’t ring. However, these calls still ring through.
So, as a test I switched back to my old Draytek router and the calls stopped.
I checked the logs on the router in debug mode and i don't see anything suspicious around the times of the calls.
Any suggestions on if there is something I need to enable of configure to block these calls?