Frequent Lag Spikes from my XE75 Pro
I recently have been having a lag spike problem with the XE75 Pro. It didn't happen for the first few months I owned it, it only started a few weeks ago. I even got a new modem from Spectrum today and I am still experiencing problems. When playing games, my ping goes from 30ms to 300ms and back down every few seconds, making most games unplayable. I have seen others online experiencing a similar issue. Their solution was to turn off the mesh network for the main device (pc) to stop it from switching nodes often. I can't even do this option as I am plugged into one of the deco units via Ethernet. I am using a deco upstairs which does have to wireless connect to the main deco unit. But I am not using WiFi per se. Below is a graph from one of my games showing consistent spikes up to 300ms every few seconds. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!