Router seems to decline incoming calls on SIM
Hello everyone,
I’m experiencing an issue with my TP-Link Archer NX200 router while using a MultiSIM from my mobile contract. I have this MultiSIM set up to receive incoming calls, alongside the SIM card in my mobile phone. However, it seems that whenever I insert the MultiSIM into the router, all incoming calls are being rejected.
Here’s what happens: when someone calls my number, my phone rings for just a few milliseconds before I receive a notification about a missed call. It appears that the router is somehow blocking or not properly handling the incoming calls. I'd expect, that an incoming call should not have affect on the router and the router should not affect said incoming calls.
Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there a specific setting in the router that I need to adjust to ignore incoming calls through the MultiSIM? Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!