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Forums/ Deco
By Jsectp 2024-04-19 09:31:43

Losing connection frequently

Hi, So while working more from home lately I started to realize that I was losing connection constantly for a couple of seconds at a time. After noticing this it also explained the instability while g
Forums/ Deco
By yo_adrian_eh 2024-01-31 03:03:27

IoT Network - Deco XE75 - Unstable

TL;DR - I was hoping by enabling the IoT network I'd have stable connectivity as it's at 2.4Ghz. So far...not the case. Does anyone out there have same/similar experience and what have you, or can you
Forums/ Deco
By AirMax2023 2023-08-12 13:55:24

Deco XE75 is dropping clients from WiFi network

Since the last two updates of my Deco XE75 Mesh network with 3 pods the WiFi network is quite unstable. It constantly dropping WiFi clients from the network and after a few seconds they are connected