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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-10-23 12:51:11
Re:Archer A6 will stop working when downloading torrents
@ap0klyps3 Yeah! and the sad part is, where I live (India) TP-Link chat support is always offline and they won't pick up on the hotline number. Good thing I had a backup router which my ISP gave me.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-10-23 12:48:17
Re:Archer A6 will stop working when downloading torrents
@Kevin_Z I will try disabling NAT boost and revert back if it works. My ISP is providing 200mbps bandwidth. And its not the ISP at fault here, I have tried directly plugging the cable to my PC and...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-10-23 07:40:40
Re:Archer A6 will stop working when downloading torrents
@Kevin_Z No, I once saw it in the changelog as a fix in an update i got a long time back (this was public release - but I don't remember the firmware version exactly). But this didn't fix the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-10-22 05:08:53
Archer A6 will stop working when downloading torrents
When downloading torrents and with >20 incoming connections, the router just stops working and the WAN light becomes red. I had received updates to fix this on the router, but it never really got...