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Forums/ Deco
2021-01-25 16:36:43
Re:Deco M4 - Everythig working ok accept whats app! Odd problem, can anyone help?
@maxideco Hi! I had the same issue some months ago on a Deco X20 3-pack. After a recent firmware update on the Decos, Whatsapp is working fine on the iPhones and the iOS updates are also working. I...
Forums/ Deco
2020-11-05 02:20:19
Re:Deco M4 - Everythig working ok accept whats app! Odd problem, can anyone help?
@MarkN I have exactly the same problem with a Deco X20 (3-pack). But not only with WhatsApp video files and video calls on my iPhone, also happened while trying to download the iPadOS 14.1. Microsoft...