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Forums/ Controllers
2021-01-12 00:38:33
Port Forwarding/ Virtual Server Omada Controller
Hi, I have been slowly adding to my Omada set-up and just installed my last piece the TL-R605 gateway to go with a couple managed switches and EAPs in my home network. Everything has been pretty easy...
Forums/ Controllers
2020-12-15 22:02:29
Re:Setting up VLANs on my Omada Hardware
@Fae Thank you that video was really helpful, once I can find one of the routers that is compatible with the Omada software available I will add to the network and make the changes all at once!
Forums/ Controllers
2020-12-13 18:15:58
Setting up VLANs on my Omada Hardware
I am relatively new to using Omada hardware and also learning network setup in parallel. I have been trying to leverage articles and posts out there but not exactly finding what I am looking for....
Forums/ Controllers
2020-11-30 19:43:20
Re:All My Devices Show as Disconnected and I can't Figure Out How to Reconnect
It ended up being a firewall issue on the Windows computer running the controller For some reason when I was rewiring and plugging stuff back in the network type changed to public versus private...
Forums/ Controllers
2020-11-27 23:49:30
All My Devices Show as Disconnected and I can't Figure Out How to Reconnect
Hi, I recently installed the followed the following in my home network to get a bit more advanced: EAP245V3 EAP225V3 TL-SG2008P v1.0 TL-SG2428P v1.0 Everything was found just fine and adopted into...