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Forums/ Deco
2023-02-03 00:34:43
Re:Report on Deco M9 Plus(US)_V2_1.5.6_211018 - Do not update
@David-TP I would have expected it to be stable after a year but like you said people have different experiences. it was days of hell with wife and kids complaining about our WiFi. I definitely wait...
Forums/ Deco
2023-02-01 19:21:22
Report on Deco M9 Plus(US)_V2_1.5.6_211018 - Do not update
Just wanted to share my experience with firmware 1.5.6_211018. I updated to it a few weeks ago after ingoring the upgrade for a while. I downgraded it a few days later. The WIFI connection was...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-08 16:52:29
Re:force device to always connect to a specific deco?
@Jorguieta I can confirm the toggle off does absolutely nothing. I need the same capability. I see that TP-Link support has not been helpful at all. Just canned responses.