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Forums/ Deco
2021-04-14 21:39:26
Re:Deco 9 and powerline adapters
Hi @Jonesy127 The p9 (assuming you have several units) can replace your existing power line units, but they won't work with your existing ones , except if they were Deco models too
Forums/ Deco
2021-04-11 17:37:50
Vlan ports on satellite deco units. M5 ok but what others?
Hi, i m trying to setup my isp tvbox on a sattelite déco (not the main one connected to the isp router). It requires vlan tagging, which IS available on my 3 deco P7, but only on the main unit, not...
Forums/ Deco
2021-01-14 19:36:22
Re:Re:Deco P7 see powerline connection
@Stabbe for whats it s worth, here is the limited info I could get: On the App main screen , click on the internet sphere. This will list your different decos. Click on One of them and you LL get...