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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-01-27 09:05:13
Re:TP-Link AC6 - 2.4ghz keep dropping and my devices connected to that network stop functioning.
@Kevin_Z I've installed it and will monitor it over the next few days and see if the issue appears again. EDIT For now since i've installed the custom firmware before 3 weeks ago i didn't had any...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-01-20 09:06:43
TP-Link AC6 - 2.4ghz keep dropping and my devices connected to that network stop functioning.
Hello I have some very annoying issue with my 2.4 ghz network on my router. The 5ghz and the wierd connection is very stable no issue there. But my 2.4 ghz network keeps droping almost every day. All...