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Forums/ Adapters
2021-02-24 07:14:44
Re:Archer T3U Plus - dropping pings
Hey I had the same problem as u .Tried many adapters like T3U,T3U plus and T4U with 5Ghz packet loss problem. But after i update the beta firmware update of archer c6 and disable the onemesh ,it...
Forums/ Adapters
2021-02-24 07:10:28
Re:T3U High Ping spikes + Disconnects. update : i refunded this horrible t3u product and bought new product.
Hey I had the same problem as u .Tried many adapters like T3U,T3U plus and T4U with 5Ghz packet loss problem. But after i update the beta firmware update of archer c6 and disable the onemesh ,it...