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Forums/ Deco
2021-07-21 07:11:36
Re:Gigabit internet being limited by M9
Hi, yes, sorry I forgot to mention that I tried that and got the exact same results. Have you seen this hardware/firmware reach 1Gbps on the internet before?
Forums/ Deco
2021-07-20 21:30:18
Gigabit internet being limited by M9
Hi, My ISP just upgraded my internet connection from 300/60Mbps (up/down) to 1000/100Mbps (up/down). When I connect my laptop to their router directly and point my browser to speedtest.net at their...
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-08 10:54:28
Re:M9 Plus firmware updates
Actually, the ping latency problems aren't 100% solved yet. I have one M9Plus which doesn't have an Ethernet backbone - it uses the wireless to join the mesh. Even when no devices are attached, it...
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-07 14:58:23
Re:M9 Plus firmware updates
@Evilcraig Replying to my own comment - I removed the v1 from the network, created a new network for the v1 only. Once it was in it's own network, I reached tplinkdeco.net and could upgrade to 1.5.1...
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-05 19:18:18
Re:M9 Plus firmware updates
I have 3 x M9v2 and 1 x M9v1 where the Main Deco is v2. They all had 1.5.0 installed. I wasn't sure how to go up to 1.5.1 with 2 different firmware files available - I was nervous that the v2...