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Forums/ Deco
By Evilcraig 2023-07-06 12:46:58

Is x20 v3 with x20 v4 firmware possible?

Hi, I just bought a 2-pack x20 (EU) hoping they would ship v4.0 hardware so I can use the new features in v4.0 firmware v1.1.0 (VPN, IoT network). However they shipped v3.0 hardware. Before I open the
Forums/ Deco
By Evilcraig 2021-12-21 10:54:44

Roaming from AX to AC (X90 and M9 Plus in the same mesh)

Hi, I have 3 x M9 Plus v2 in my home. Main Deco is in router mode. One satellite is on the wired backbone, another is using the wireless backbone to the wired satellite. v1.5.3 EU firmware on all 3 de
Forums/ Deco
By Evilcraig 2021-07-20 21:30:18

Gigabit internet being limited by M9

Hi, My ISP just upgraded my internet connection from 300/60Mbps (up/down) to 1000/100Mbps (up/down). When I connect my laptop to their router directly and point my browser to speedtest.net at their in