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Forums/ Deco
2021-04-20 00:29:26
Re:Using Deco M9+ in Static Ip mode and modem in bridge mode beaks connection frequently.
is your M9+ PPPoE or what is your mode there? not the router/AP option but static/dynamic/pppoe/... option?
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-10 21:18:06
Re:Using PPPoE directly on the Deco gives me a lower speed than using the PPPoE on the ISP modem
KiLLeR17 wrote @ARdeco Can you give me more detail interms of what happens when you do speedtest ? - What is your ISP speed and what are you getting on Deco? - What if you remove Deco? - Test from...
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-09 14:20:14
Re:Using PPPoE directly on the Deco gives me a lower speed than using the PPPoE on the ISP modem
@KiLLeR17 I have nothing set under my QoS so that can't be the cause, right? I have the exact issue but I have no limits under QoS, no parental controls and no AV enabled. :(