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Forums/ Deco
2021-03-20 18:39:02
Re:Sky Q/Sky Q Mini/Virgin Hub/Deco M5 Setup
@TC3610 I've set my Deco to Access Point mode (in Advanced Settings on the Deco app) and it now all appears to be working. VM hub to Deco 1 (wired) VM hub to Sky Q (wired) Sky Q Mini to Deco 2...
Forums/ Deco
2021-03-20 17:19:25
Re:Sky Q/Sky Q Mini/Virgin Hub/Deco M5 Setup
@TC3610 I'm having the same problem - just unboxed the M5 and wish I'd researched how it works with Sky. TBF it seems to be working ok with my main Sky Q box, which is wired to my Virgin hub, but I...