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Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-04-24 05:31:28
Re:RE450 - Turn off TKIP protocol
@EnzoA That doesn't help if you have v2 hardware. I bought two RE450 from Amazon and both devices are v2, not v3.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-04-24 05:28:50
Re:RE450 is broadcasting TKIP instead of AES. Roaming issues
@DesignerGirl Thanks for pointing out the TKIP issue with the app! I have uninstalled it and now I am just using the web interface of my RE450 v2. I found that all I need to do is click on the Quick...
Forums/ Apps
2021-04-23 05:49:57
Re:Tether app reports router password incorrect when it is not.
@Kevin_Z They're both running the latest versions available.
Forums/ Apps
2021-04-21 02:53:42
Re:Tether app reports router password incorrect when it is not.
@Kevin_Z On the device's web interface, the password field is limited to 15 characters max. It doesn't show that there's a limit or give any warning, but if you watch closely, it only accepts 15...
Forums/ Apps
2021-04-21 00:44:42
Re:Tether app reports router password incorrect when it is not.
@Mister.Lang That was definitely the issue between Tether and my RE450 v2.0 Wi-Fi Extender! My password is 20 characters in length. When I typed only the first 15, the Tether app then accepted it!...