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Forums/ SOHO Switches
2021-06-28 13:12:12
Re:TL-SG116 Dropping Ethernet connection
Hi! Is a Sercom Fg6123bt Fiber Router.
Forums/ SOHO Switches
2021-06-27 05:33:18
Re:TL-SG116 Dropping Ethernet connection
@Kevin_Z Hi! i have a similar problem, today i received a TL-SG116 because my old Tenda 8-port gigabit switch suddenly stopped working (i had 1 cable to the router, 1 cable to a 2 level daisy chain...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-05-17 13:10:59
Re:Any updates on OneMesh on AX10?
@Kevin_Z thanks for the reply, yes is V1.0 but I see this same version on both global or Mexico sites
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-05-14 21:45:59
Re:Any updates on OneMesh on AX10?
@Kevin_Z Hi! I've tried to download from the mentioned page for V1 but it seems there is only available March update and not this one, is region related? I'm accesing the global site. Also directly...