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Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-06-17 04:07:18
Re:tp-link WiFi range Extender AC750 Dual Band is not able to extend my 5Ghz bands
@Solla-topee It doesn't work. Jio router doesn't allow changing channels.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-06-17 04:06:40
Re:tp-link WiFi range Extender AC750 Dual Band is not able to extend my 5Ghz bands
I have same problem with Jio fiber router .... Tp link just doesn't detect the 5ghz.... Should I buy AX 20 Wifi 6 and try ?
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-06-17 04:06:38
Re:tp-link WiFi range Extender AC750 Dual Band is not able to extend my 5Ghz bands
I have same problem with Jio fiber router .... Tp link just doesn't detect the 5ghz.... Should I buy AX 20 Wifi 6 and try ?