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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-07-29 12:03:12
Re:Archer C80 FTP port forward for port 21 not working
@Kevin_Z OK no problems! WAN IP: 187.17.***.*** (FIXED) LAN IP: DHCP: - 99. Open door: External: 8221 Internal: 21 IP: There are no other routers on the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-07-27 17:20:31
Re:Archer C80 FTP port forward for port 21 not working
@Kevin_Z First of all thanks for answering me. Secondly sorry for my Google translator english. The Archer C80 is the main router ( and I have a fixed IP on the network (PPPoe). I use...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-07-26 11:39:15
Archer C80 FTP port forward for port 21 not working
I enabled external port 8221 to internal port 21 of my CloudBox. The router opens the port but gives the connection timeout error. In other routers it doesn't happen, when I put the C80 to work it...