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Forums/ Deco
2022-02-25 03:17:07
Re:Deco X60 Wifi Speed drops to 10%
@roi333 , sorry for the delayed response. I did get support from TP Link on this issue. After several tests, disabling unpn, and swapping the main Deco for one of the satellites, the issue is...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-10 06:05:39
Re:Deco X60 Wifi Speed drops to 10%
Good evening roi333. I have a similar issue with my Deco X60’s as well. They drop to 85Mbps when they previously would run at 500 - 600Mbps. Have you been able to resolve your issue? Thank you
Forums/ Feature Request (Deco)
2022-01-28 06:38:54
Re:Possibility to change WiFi channels
Deco X60 keeps defaulting to 2.4GHz on my iPad Pro unless I unplug or reboot. Then 5GHz works fine, sometimes for several days, then defaults back to 2.4GHz again. This is all within 15-20 feet of...